Wenn Sie ein neues Ticket mit hochgeladener PDF-Datei verwenden, können Eingaben aus automatisch aus dem System übernommen werden Die möglichen Label zur Individualisierung sind:
event global informations:
- event_picture
- event_header
- event_description
- event_organiser
- event_venue
- event_start_date_time
- event_end_date_time
ticket attendee informations:
- attendee_name
- attendee_first_name
- attendee_last_name
- attendee_title
- attendee_academic_title
- attendee_organization
- attendee_welcome_academic_full
additional ticket informations:
- ticket_type (Ticket title)
- ticket_description
- ticket_block_name
- ticket_gate_name
- ticket_row_name
- ticket_seat_name
ticket prices/booking references:
- ticket_order_reference
- ticket_attendee_ref
- ticket_price
- ticket_total_price
- ticket_tax_value
- ticket_total_booking_fee
- ticket_tax_name
- ticket_tax_amt
- event_currency
additional questions and answers:
- qtitle_123 (replace 123 with question id)
- qlabel_123 (replace 123 with question id)
- qanswer_123 (replace 123 with question id)
codes from ticket_attendee_ref:
- Ticket_QR_CODE
- Ticket_C39_CODE
If barcode is needed, it is easier and more reliable to use the barcode system on the advanced ticket configuration tab in the app